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Swedavia introduces a CO2 Emission Charge

Following an amendment (2021:666) to the Swedish Act on Airport charges, Lag (2011:886) om Flygplatsavgifter, the Swedish government has introduced a requirement that airport charges should be differentiated for environmental purposes.

The new regulations state that airport charges relating to take-off or landing of aircrafts shall be differentiated in accordance with the aircrafts’ climate impact and that the differentiation shall reduce the climate impact of aviation.

The charge is set up according to bonus malus principles in order to incentivise the use of more efficient aircraft. The underlying mechanics of such a model is that aircraft which emit more CO2 than average should pay a penalty which finances a bonus for aircraft emitting less than average. The modulation is set to have an increasing effect the further away from the relative average CO2-emission value through a linear formula.

Airlines can invest in sustainable aviation fuels in order to lower their fossil carbon footprint, which is reflected in the modulation through the possibility to deduct emissions from all non-fossil fuels which meet Swedavia’s requirements for sustainable aviation fuel.

Three segments are introduced to ensure relevant comparison, e.g. a smaller aircraft is compared to the average emission within its own segment rather than being compared against larger aircrafts. The following segmentation will be made:

  1. Passenger traffic ≤ 175 MTOW - Evaluated based on CO2/seat
  2. Other traffic ≤ 175 MTOW - Evaluated based on CO2/MTOW
  3. All traffic > 175 MTOW - Evaluated based on CO2/MTOW

The evaluation of relative CO2 emissions varies between the segments and is either based on CO2 per MTOW or CO2 per seat.

Airport users and ground handling agents who require further information on Swedavia’s price decision are welcome to contact consultation@swedavia.se